...I'll be right back, I need to do homework.
Ok, I just got a huge load of school work done, so I have pacified my conscience and I am allowed to blog again.
I took the IQ test. In the past I have been the number 1 hater of the test, "it's subjective", "only relevant in a Western context", "it's Eurocentric", "it's inaccurate".... "it doesn't prove anything". Oh those used to be my arguments, but I decided to take the test anyway.
It turns out I have an IQ of 129. So apparently this means I am just bordering on 'Very Superior' intelligence. I am in the rank of Superior, the top 6.7% percentage of the population. I am on the brink of Genius!
So what does this mean??? Absolutely nothing!
I won't lie, I felt good when I got back the results but what does this prove?
At the beginning of the test it says the score may be inaccurate if your native language is not English. Ok, so my 'native' language isn't English. But I can't speak Efik either. So does that mean the scores will be inaccurate for me as well? Je parle Anglais only!
Anyway, one of the main reasons I took the test was because an
article I was reading made some shocking remarks about Africans and their Asian & Caucasian counterparts on issues of race, genes, and so on. Check it out & let me know what you think.The article: http://www.slate.com/id/2178122/entry/2178123/#
The IQ test: http://www.iqtest.com/