Hey Ladies (& Gents), I have questions!
Do you engage in 'self-sabotage'? Self-sabotage is when you're creating additional mental stress for yourself when there's none. It's like adding extra drama to your life when there really isn't any.
OK, so there's this new crush in my apt. building who I'm
loving liking a lot. He's got an athletic build & the dreamiest grey eyes & dark brown/blondish hair. He's so smart & intellectual (my type) but not too tall. Anyway, we've been flirting back & forth & I know there's definitely chemistry but now i'm stomped. I've started acting all weird & sh!t just because I have acknowledged to myself the fact that I like him.
For example, the other day while I was doing laundry downstairs in my pyjamas (tank top & sweat pants - no bra!
and my nipples were charging) he came down to do his load as well. We got talking about a lot of things like his horses, family cottage, etc. It was a good conversation but I caught him looking several times! Anyway, this incident just happened - I don't walk around bra-less all the time with charging nipples. LOL>>> but I love the attention I'm getting from him but I also need to keep it cool & stop over-doing it with the flirting. He's a great guy & I wouldn't mind a few dates; nothing serious. I'm not really looking for a relationship right now.
So my dear ladies who have mastered the art of seduction, how do you reel a guy in without being so obvious that you're reeling him in? Or guys, how do you like to be reeled in?
And how do you play it cool without engaging in self-sabotage?
LOL * waits for other folks input*
Me i just came to lol @ the "charging nipples" haven't heard that term in a long while. And i like the pictorial depiction. lol.
I think if the guy is really interested, he will make his move soon enough, since you have been flirting already.
i think like nice anon,ill wait for other people as well.
Do you have to do anything anything again. Just sit back and watch him come to mama, LOL...
If you like him go for it..Flirt on..maybe he would get the message. *waits for the girls who actually do this to input too*
...sorry dear, my dry self doesn't know much about reeling in. ☺ ☺
But I guess you reel him in without accepting it's a delibrate action?
Haaa! I shoulda used the 'accidental nipple' strategy back in the day. wise girl. My opinion, don't ask him out. He is getting around to it.
does this mean that most of my readers are rather conservative, ok. And you ladies are just like me & haven't mastered the art of seduction? :D
*Perches and waits for input as I totally suck at this*...but lmaooo @ charging nipples. I enjoy reading your blog, you are quite a trip.
You're asking the wrong woman here. Am never coy when I fancy a dude. I'll invite him over for tea and kiss him. Chikena.
From the looks of things though it looks like this brother doesn't need you to do anything more. He'll come around to asking you out soon so just hang in there.
lol@ charging nipples... sounds like the bloke will get around to do his thing w/out any inducements......
I'll check back... when the advisory board has completed its due diligence...... lol
those pointies don nearly put me for trouble. he no easy to see standing two make u no look. woman power
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