Rules about this award:
1.You must brag about it
2.You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to the blogger
3.You must choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have seven friends (lol).
4.Show the seven random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
5.List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on!
1) I fantasize about being with a white boy. I find some white men so attractive and imagine what it'll fill like running my hand through their hair. I like blonde guys with wavy hair. I especially like the blonde-hazel eyes combo. It's sad because when I was 'seeing' this one white guy, I felt no physical attraction towards him whatsoever. He was fun to talk to & we hung out A LOT but there just wasn't anything there. Oh well, there goes my 1st confession.
2) I have only been to 1 country in Africa (Nigeria), yet some people refer to me as 'The Africa Expert'. I take the compliment most times but I usually wonder, like seriously people, read a book, surf the web, or read the news sometime & maybe you'll learn a thing or two about Africa. And the strangest thing about this label is that it has come from fellow Nigerians! Like, are you kidding me? you don't know where Central African Republic is? No? Ok, how about looking at the friggin centre of the map, eh?! LOL. Anyway...Africa is a big place, I didn't expect you to know that Egypt wasn't in central africa!

4) My mind often wanders when people are talking to me. It's not like I do it on purpose or that they're talking nonsense. It's just...well, frankly I have no interest in what they're saying. If I am that bored to the point that while you speak to me I zone out; then you must be saying something really boring. I pride myself in being an attentive listener but for real, please help me out too! Talk about something less drone-like. Like how you saw a man with a blue shirt by the bus stop and how you kept thinking the shirt reminded you of your neighbour who lived across from your apt. 2 years ago. Umm...I don't

7) I am a germaphobe {you knew this was coming after that claustrophobia biznizz}. I am a 'Bleach Girl'. I will bleach everything in my house clean from kitchen counters to door handles. There will be no hiding place for germs in my home!

9) This meme is taking too long to complete.
10) I think I'm the sh!t 4real. Boys wanna do me, girls wanna be me, everybody loves me! Haha, who am I kidding, I'm that bitch. That bitch you hate on, that bitch your man will fall in love with, that bitch who you always knew YOU would become. LOL...I kid, I kid. I'm that girl your mom encouraged you to befriend, because she got As & had a clean reputation. But the real question is: who am I? that's the secret I'll never tell...
xo Anya
P.S: I'm supposed to tag 7 other bloggers in this meme, so if you're reading this - consider yourself TAGGED!
P.P.S: I tag
Bastille of Beauty