I just finished reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's marvelous novel entitled above. I absolutely loved it. I would recommend that anyone who hasn't read it, should take a break & get their read on!!
There is a spoiler link that glorifies the book, I have posted below. It is a wonderful work of art and I cannot overemphasize the magnimity of this work as it tells the story of Biafra in a great way.
is that your pic or ngozi adichie's. whoever it belongs to, its nice.
Oh Jinta it's Ngozi's. She's really pretty.
that's a really great book. absolutely loved it. really wish it wld be made into a movie.
hmm, really, or you're jerking my chain? i'm wondering why her hair looks so much like yours does in your avatar...
Mwahaha...jinta i'm not jerking anything. That's really not me. I jacked that photo from an interview with Ms. Adichie found here: http://bookcriticscircle.blogspot.com/2007/02/talking-with-chimamanda-adichie.html
Hello Anyaposh. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I will leave a reply to your question on shea butter there. I also loved "Half a yellow sun". I could not put it down and stayed up until 3 a.m. Purple hibiscus is also amazing. She is an amazing storyteller.
oh, im not even into books like that, but oh well lol
cant wait to get my copy and snuggle up . i hear it is impressive how are you s
Ditto on the book...I read it while in the east during christmas...talk about seeing everything through new eyes...
thanks for the book recommendation! i'm always looking for a good read. :-)
ok. i consider myself un-jerked
I loved the book...great, funny how we dont know anything about the biafran war...I only realised it when I read the book...still hate the ending though...I miss Kaine....didnt like purple hibiscus that much though maybe it was the end...
Yep the book is fantastic. I enjoyed every min of it.
2 nywele: I checked out this place with really cheap shea butter & it's supposed to be 100% natural, so I may be getting on that soon! I also read purple hibiscus & that was disturbing but a great read as well.
2 fresh & fab: this one is pretty good...it's got its fair share of romance & suspense! You should get on it.
2 miss pumping: i'm doing OK...this easter weekend has been unreal, i'll update soon enough. I hope you're doing alright too.
2 Ekene: It was a serious revelation into so many things. I'm glad you even read it within the context of being in the east.
2 brown girl gumbo: i'm sure you'll like it too!
2 fresh % fab: I just did! See my last weekend's low-down. I'll soon fill you on part 2 of that.
2 jinta: lol...you're pure jokes
2 afrobabe: that's the same thing I was thinking. Why did she have to end on that note with Kainene??? I don't want to leave any spoilers here but sometimes I like to imagine my own ending to the book ;)
2 pink lips: I'm glad you loved it too!
Sometimes I feel like I want to be like Kainene. In the way she is described throughout the book. She exudes elegance, a frank/blunt demeanor, and some other attributes I can aspire to adopt.
I don't want to be her in the sense of the way she disappeared. I would like to think that Kainene was captured by Nigerian forces and detained for several months but that she was later released and reunited with her family and Richard.
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