Happy New Year Everyone!!!
If you haven't noticed already or felt the tinge of excitement in the air, 2009 is going to be amazing! I don't know exactly why just yet - but I do know that it is going to be a wonderful year. A year that will be equally challenging & invigorating. Cheers to the next 11/12 months!

This is the year of *Being* In *Total* Control *of* Herself
This abbreviation was coined by Dr. V. Ashley but it has sufficed to fit perfectly with the way I'm going toattack approach this year. I've had enough of my own passivity in taking control of my life & the things that really matter. I've had enough of being a super-agreeable person but hurting myself in the process. I've had it with being too accomodating, too tolerant, too nice (too let's-keep-the-peace-don't-wanna-hurt-nobody's-precious-feelings!) - Oh, Anya's such a good listener...yada yada yada. I've had it with taking on everyone's problems; over-burdening myself with everyone's mishaps & forgetting to deal with my own problems. Enough! Enough!! Enough!!! ENOUGH!!!!!.
This is my time to quit whining about my hesitation to burst out the Bitch & just f**king DO IT!
So let me introduce myself, my name is Anya This abbreviation was coined by Dr. V. Ashley but it has sufficed to fit perfectly with the way I'm going to
This is my time to quit whining about my hesitation to burst out the Bitch & just f**king DO IT!
-A. Posh
Proud Member, Heartless Bitches International
Awwww I completely understand what you mean about being tired of being super nice...not sure how I feel about the bitch thing though...Just do you and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful new year :)
I remember using the babe-in-total control-of-herself *bitch* when guys made fun of us in highschool.
Wow at your declaration!!!!
Yea for feminists!
I'm right there with you on this year being a g8 one. Just do you boo...
One of the things I've learned is that being in total control means realizing that sometimes I have no control at all...
happy new year!!
girl, have you heard why men love bitches by Argov??
lol...i am also trying to be a badass bitch..lol
I feel you girl, just do you and whatever makes you happy. Happy New year!
yeah!!!! go Anyaposh!!!!! have a beautiful 2009.......... im also a BITCH
I hear that! This is the year to do YOU and whatever makes YOU happy. Let's toast to that. :-)
AM afraid i on the other hand is trying to tone down a bit on my "viciousness"...im now sober...i once told one guy i was dating oh ha tht"oh u are feeling like those guys tht are playas abi and will start misbehaving hoping u'll get the hint and break up with them....feeling all gentlemanly and holier than thou abi sao tht they would not say he's heartless..., he broke up with her...."maa sin e debi teru o ti ni ba e and u'll be forced to to say" ah ok im not doing again...nonsense!"...i was so angry en....but this year ill just rather smile and leave the person be.
Go babes, just do it!
Someone once said "we begin to live the moment we decide to be in control of our affairs"
All the best!
You let them have it hun!!
There is nothing better than being yourself,for those you can't take it...well there are plenty highways to exit from
Happy new year xx
You go girl!!!
youve been tagged on the two truths one lie meme.
go on with ur bad self!
Wow, the girl means business, anyone who doesn't know that will learn the hard way....
You go girl....
welcome back to your inner self...i've been in tune with my for several years and it has been very good for me...very real...and like you said uber awesome
happy new year to you
get on BISSSSHHH!!!
hmmmm... nice!
sound like d kinda lady i'd like!
been meanin to come around here and drop comments, but most tyms i just dey read, disappear. No worry, 2009 go witness me here!!!
I want to be a bitch too!!! Loving the post, I'm motivated! x
Nice one, very nice.
Happy new B.I.T.C.Hy year!
...n so shall it be'
hapinuye dear'
LOL am so with you,on this one, im tired of being Ms extremely Nice even though it hurts
I feel it too. It really a wonderful year.
Interesting. Never hear that one before *Files it away for future use*
Do u, babes. Always do u. No one is worth hurting urself for. And the one who's worth it won't make u hurt.
hey! You have been tagged! see my blog for details!
...lol...nice...i think i need to join...please email or snail mail me an application please and see what you can do to help expedite the application process please, thanks...happy new year to you sweets...its been a minute...*raises her glass of red wine to toast*...
I'm glad everyone's onboard with taking 2009 to the next level. Enough of that bashful passivity...we're taking 2009 by force! I wish everyone the best in this new year - take it for yourself!
pls can i join!??? heartless bitch int.! oh
i second that! being a bitch is fabulous!
LOL!!!We all need to unleash our inner bitches some times...
Enjoy your year...
Why Bitch in any form? I would much rather be a King than a thug. What you speak is what becomes. Queen never Bitch dig? Just vibing. Be sure to stop by
Mista Jaycee
Nice!......1st time here.
I'm Definitely being a BITCH this year onwards.
You are woman, hear you roar!
I am a BITCH too o! or at the very least one in the making.
I also understand how you feel - one of my goals for the last who-knows-how-long years was to learn to say 'no' - I'll be watching your progress and taking pointers :o)
BTW: Thanks for stopping by my blog. It just takes a little patience to do the braids and it's very therapuetic (sp?) also - and believe me at first glance mine look nice and neat but they are all different sizes.
I only use a comb to part in the front two rows and work hardest on the front and very back so they can look good in a bun :o)
i think it will be an exciting year as well
been a long time
I'M MOTIVATED!!!!!!!!!!
go girl
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