Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dead Man Trending

Hey folks, I've been going through a job transition so I haven't had that blog inspiration in a bit. But i'm back now, so let's keep it moving.

So today's post is about the death of Osama Bin Laden and the subsequent floodgate of facebook comments and status updates which fried my brain for the last 48 hours. I saw too many comments like 'Osama is DEAD!' 'Praise God, they have killed Osama' and  'Obama destroyed Osama!'. These kinds of comments  kept flooding my newsfeed. It was just way too much.

 Zuckerberg really needs to create that dislike thumbs-down feature on the site.

So my people, in this day and age where most people have the internet or at least have some kind of access to global media, why do some people take it upon themselves to be virtual towncrier? Me sef, I tire! In fact, yesterday's number two global trending topic was #osama, after #canadavotes. But na so we see am, dead man trending!