My dear bloggerians, I have a confession to make.
I did not creatively come up with that fried rice on my own. I found the recipe online. Click here for the best tutorial in video format. That demonstration is better than anything I could've written for you. Plus, it's really easy to make too. In fact, because I'm so bored with Nigerian dishes & the ingredients are really hard to come by, I have resigned to the mainstream grocery store to fulfill my nutrition needs. For me, it started becoming a real chore to drive for about 2hrs to get to an "ethnic" food store in either Toronto, Brampton, or Mississauga just to find pounded yam, or crayfish, or uyayak, or palm oil, e.t.c.
Anyhow, these days I eat whatever's handy...lots of pitas, wraps, salads, pot roast, indian cuisine, & so on. My new housemate is from Hong Kong, so recently we've been swapping cooking secrets & meals too :D He makes amazing things I tell ya! The man can cook. So I hope you're able to make this Thai-style egg fried rice, it was really delicious.
P.S: Goodluck