"Same sex marriage, apart from being ungodly, is also unscriptural, unnatural, unprofitable, unhealthy, uncultural, un-African and un-Nigerian," - The Anglican Church of Nigeria.
Yes, I personally believe that although same sex relations are unscriptual and uncultural, they are indeed profitable (if not, why would people do it...sex is sex - atleast somebody cums in the end), can be healthy (condoms, dental dams, monogamous partnerships), Africans do it & Nigerians are no exception.
Today, I was reading the
news about how the Nigerian Government has bid to
outlaw same sex marriages. What is all this fuss about anyway??? You can outlaw it, but people are still going to engage in those relationships.
Personally, I have seen gay men & women
in action in Abuja. In Wuse market, I saw 2
igbo-speaking men sitting together holding hands & smiling at each other sheepishly. Then one of them proceeded to sit on the other's lap. If that is not overt gayness, then I dunno what is. Similarly, there are lesbians in Nigeria. Ask any girl who went to one of those all-girls' boarding school & I bet you they would have a lot of stories about girl on girl action. So the issue is no longer about whether there are gay/bisexual people in Nigeria. The underlying tension is why people get so agitated & are trying to criminalise such
diabolical taboo relations.
So how do we solve this one? Do you think this is a case where the State is prying too much into the affairs of the Nation's bedrooms? Or is this a case of maintaining Nigerian government's
hypocritical stance, that homosexuality does not exist in Nigeria?
I know this issue is
insanely controversial, especially in the Nigerian community, but I don't care. Speak to it.
I am not gay, but really, i don't have much against them, as long as its kept out of the church. i think having Gay priests and lesbian pastors might just be taking it too far, a priest wedding a lesbian couple is also taking it too far.I can imagine walking into my church and seeing my priest with lipstick and all....... At least we should give God some respect na! That my opinion oh!
I was first.......
I dont have anything against gays...I think everybody should have a choice on who they want to be with...
I am with Africa diva on this...It shouldn't be done in the church, If they wanna get married then they should do it at a registry...why force someone who's religion says it wrong to officiate?
I dunno, I think two or more consenting adults ought to be able to have a love life that they are happy with. The hypocrisy of the Nigerian government often leaves me open mouthed, they won't pay teachers on time but they are quick to legislate on the sex lives of the citizenry, chai! The option to get married in church is not one that is essential, after all marriage is a social contract as much as anything else, so... I am all for equal rights under the law, rights under religion is the domain of the church, mosque or the temple etc, etc...
Although I have nothing against gays, I personally view marriage as a bond between a man and a woman for spiritual reasons, procreation, etc.
... but then, your title is funny!
I really dont think the law will do much.
The govt is just trying to prevent things getting ugly with religions wars and all already taking place.
i concur ....... marriage as a bond between a man and a woman for spiritual reasons, procreation, etc.
I agree with most of what has been said, no one should start ordaining gay bishops in Nigeria just yet. And Imans & pastors should be able to choose whether or not they want to marry same-sex couples.
O'Dee I never thought of it that way...hmm, insightful.
And AlooFar, you know I had to...the pubic hair of the nation ;)
Hmmm when it comes to these issues I have no opinion. Each to his own, but they should not even try and say God approves. Only He can judge so I say let them be. This world is warped as it is
I think its eventually God to judge. As much as I don't believe its right based on my scriptural beliefs. I think its the church/ mosque/shrines that should handle such moral issues since its hard when its in the senate's hands.
People will go ahead and do what they want.The same way many of those law makers are breaking constitutional laws.
There are so many laws in the bible (adultery, sex before marriage, lying, murder that are in the 10 commandments, Senate can make bills so folk have to keep them..hehehe). They should finish buidling schools, roads and hospitals first and foremost.
hey first time here...I didnt think it was even legal to be gay in africa...
how are you?
I have a gay bff and I know how hard it is for him daily. He's Jamaican, so the same hypocrisies exist there too. I can't really say too much, but I believe in staying out of people's business and letting people be.
I dont care what anybody says...I dont care about political correctness...HOMOSEXUALITY IS A VICE. FULL STOP!
Nice to hear from you again Anya. How've you been doing? I'm good o!
omg, isnt that picture of wade and noah from noah's ark....i know what ur thinking..
let us not even get into the story of how i know who they are...
as u know i am not gay, but that story will take at least 2 blog posts to explain
Well, we know our dear country is quite a conventional one so I guess any measure will be taken to maintain that 'reputation', preventing gay marriages inclusive..
I think i get ur point tho..sin is sin..there's the issue of corruption that hasn't been tackled effectively and now they want to do this gay marriage ban, making it seem like it's a totally morally upright country..
wow ive actually been planning a post on this. I so agree that if you believe sex is for pleasure, there is no real reason to be against homosexuality (in fact masturbation , is it not same-sex pleasure lol)
I love how ppl feel the need to add I am not gay or no homo to any expression of same sex affection.
Federal Govt Girls product representing. I will say we definitely had a bunch of lesbians but I believed that it was due to 'condition'...as per man no dey, babes still had to get some but then they'd go home for summer break and they had boyfriends.
Hmmm LOL @ Naija outlawing same sex kini like it was even allowed in the first place. You know Naija na, they will burn someone alive or something...always trying to take the law into their own hands. Hissss...
Aniwoos, thanks for the blog comment. *Cheeses* :D
The truth about it is that Nigeria is a highly religious country that is based on conventionality, so no one should expect acceptance from that front.
tin-tin! ahn ahn, I ain't judging. I'm glad you watch that show..lol. I just started watching it a couple weeks ago ;)
And Original Mgbeks, I've heard so many stories, but yea those girls were def experimenting. I know so many who are married to men now!
i like watching two ladies kissing. hmmmm. Naija govt must not ban that one ohhhh.
Its hard to comment on this topic though....However i think afrobabe said it all.
been staring at the pic wondering how 2 hot guys could end up together.... not fair!
ok, back to the issue, im not homophobic but i feel Nigerian govt on their concerns. Africans r supposed to be more conservative and all. Everyone has a right to choose what they want so it should be allowed as long as its not in the church cuz the bible clearly condemns homosexuality
Yup there are loads of gays in Abuja. Have u been to that Shagalinku joint? Almost all of them are gay. Went to an all-girls boarding school for a year too...
I'm with Afrobabe&Beautifully Conjured up on this one.
PS: The title of this post is funny!
Anya you are too funny.
Hmmm at first I thought no African country would support it but then South Africa came .....and agreed with it !!
maybe someday nigeria might but I really doubt it
we are very strong religiously
@Chi-chi: SA has a significant white population, hence the quick acceptance of homosexuality. Blacks in general tend to oppose homosexuality. yes, i know there are lots of Black gays, but IN GENERAL Blacks are a little more opposed to it than Whites are.
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