My dear bloggerians, I have a confession to make.
I did not creatively come up with that fried rice on my own. I found the recipe online. Click here for the best tutorial in video format. That demonstration is better than anything I could've written for you. Plus, it's really easy to make too. In fact, because I'm so bored with Nigerian dishes & the ingredients are really hard to come by, I have resigned to the mainstream grocery store to fulfill my nutrition needs. For me, it started becoming a real chore to drive for about 2hrs to get to an "ethnic" food store in either Toronto, Brampton, or Mississauga just to find pounded yam, or crayfish, or uyayak, or palm oil, e.t.c.
Anyhow, these days I eat whatever's handy...lots of pitas, wraps, salads, pot roast, indian cuisine, & so on. My new housemate is from Hong Kong, so recently we've been swapping cooking secrets & meals too :D He makes amazing things I tell ya! The man can cook. So I hope you're able to make this Thai-style egg fried rice, it was really delicious.
P.S: Goodluck
Nne, biko which one be pitas??? As 4 me, if e no be ogbono or egusi, I no wan swap menu ooo! LOL.
Well, if you know how to make abacha & ncha, please teach a sista.
wow, thanks for that site babes...I have just recently learnt how to make Jamaican goat curry but tired of eating it...lol..so a new fixation will be great...
it looks yummy!!!! will def try it with brown rice cuz am trying the healthy eating thing!!
Thanks babe, amma get me some of this as soon as i learn it. Unfortunately,its not so easy to come by all the ingredients here in naija
I love eating food from different countries...it allows me to travel without leaving my home, LOLl!!
I wish I could make some!
We're not allowed to cook at my school :(
I jus realised that i really haven't been very experimental with food. Thus i dont eat much as ingridients 4 naija recipies r even harder to find at my endz, so i eat mostly pitas and wraps also.
I just mite try this thai fried rice, .....if laziness would just leave me.
Omo Oba, ki lo de? Na waaaaa ohhh.
* * *
Mii komment has bin safed, hand will be fiisible after di owner appruvaal.
i love my food, i dont mess with it, so thanx for this..lol :)
looks good
Nice one Anya.
This is a special delicasy.
It was one of my favourites in Malaysia. I think its called Nasi Ayam Goreng over there.
Really nice.
4give me for not coming here in ages.
Will check out the site. I'm tired on 9ja food.
2 Vera, na wa for u...where will I even find the ingredients for abacha & ncha? lol...I don't even know what ncha is... & A pita is like a wrap for a buritto or something but it's also like a flying saucer. With a hollow inside you can stuff with veggies, cold cuts or whatever.
2 afrobabe, goat curry?! darn gurl you're on another level. I haven't made anything elaborate like that recently. Goat meat is so hard to come by around here I don't want to experiment with it.
2 wordmerchant, kudos to you on that brown rice tip. It will definitely be high in fibre.
2 caelestis angelus, this your name sef..it always makes me giggle. I know what you mean about those ingredients...I bet if you're in lagos or abuja you can find most of that stuff at park 'n' shop or variety supermarket.
2 beautifully conjured up, yes! I feel if I can't take that trip to Taiwan, I better go find a recipe for it online to feel 'Taiwan'!
2 Lolia, are you in high school or a special college? You could always try out the recipe when you're home.
2 mizchif, i'm there with you hun. I was stuck in a cooking rut for a really long time & it took lots effort to branch out into different kinds of cuisine. Do it...it's always a party outside the norm
2 secret diary...hmm, ok. thanks for stopping by.
2 buttercup...you're welcome hun. check back often. I'm on a roll with these recipes.
2 ibiluv, it tastes good too!
2 tobenna, i really like the aroma of asian cuisine. I bet I could eat like a regular malaysian on a daily basis, no qualms. do you remember any recipes that you'd like to share?
2 oluwadee, hunny you're forgiven. lol. I'm sure you will like it. It was very tasty. goodluck!
Can I borrow your roommate? Just for a little while?
The Nigerian government needs to learn that IMMORAL does not always equal ILLEGAL... Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's. Simple....
Sorry, did I just talk about Gayness under the Thai Fried rice post? lol
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